So it turns out, taking a picture with a 14 month old is NOT EASY! She used to be so much easier when she couldn't walk - haha!
We went to the park and tried to snap a few pictures of our twinning look and Charlotte was way more interested in the swings, watching the other kids, and watching the water in the creek. We even dropped one of her shoes in the creek while attempting to take these pictures. Once again, taking a picture with a one year old is no easy task.
I know this isn't a twinning look, but it was so funny because I just wanted to get a picture of my outfit and of course Charlotte stole the show. She was nothing but smiles and wanted to explore everywhere, so we had to get her in there too. She is just too precious for words!
I'm so excited because my sister, brother-in-law, and Charlotte are coming to MI in a couple weeks so stay tuned for more twinning adventures!
Happy Friday Eve!
I'm so excited because my sister, brother-in-law, and Charlotte are coming to MI in a couple weeks so stay tuned for more twinning adventures!
Happy Friday Eve!