Monday, January 2, 2017

Hello 2017!

I always love the beginning of a new year. There is something about the feeling of a fresh start that is so exciting. Yesterday we took down every single Christmas decoration and it's so nice to start fresh (although our house sure felt bare).  I added a few new things to our living room for the new year including a floor length mirror and new pillows.  It's so fun to continue to decorate and change things up.  No better time to do it than New Years Day!
2016 was such a great year for me and my family. I became an auntie, Zach and I got married, we honeymooned in Maui, we bought our first house, and we started our married life together. As wonderful as 2016 was, I truly believe the best is yet to come, and I am so looking forward to the adventures 2017 has in store!
What I am most looking forward to this year is enjoying our first full year of marriage. I love our home and the life we are starting together, and I'm looking forward to just being in the moment this year.  In previous years I felt like there was always something I was counting down to, looking forward to.  It felt like I was counting down to the wedding for so long, I was almost wishing time away by wishing it would get here faster! This year I am really going to try to enjoy every day and every moment. I'm looking forward to so many little things this year like trips with girlfriends, trips to go see my adorable niece, and time spent at home with my husband. I am such a homebody and I have LOVED being able to have friends and family over to our house during winter break. I'm looking forward to entertaining more and continuing to decorate (and redecorate) our cozy little home.
I wanted to share a few pictures from our New Year's Eve celebration at our house and our New Year's card (we didn't have it together in time to make a Christmas card, so we went with New Years cards this year!).
Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2017!


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